For those lucky few not familiar with it a TBR Pile is a To Be Read pile, a pile full of those books you were eager to buy but not so eager to read. Or books you were given and didn't have the good sense to rush to the used book store. So now there they are. Taking up space. This year I have determined upon a simple plan. I will eliminate at least some of those books. I will be disciplined enough to add fewer than I eliminate. I will finally get to at least some (if not all) of the books I have been meaning to get to and just haven't.
Here is my plan: For every time I buy books or get a bunch from the library I will pull a book off the pile and read it.
I won't kid you -- it will be slow going. But I expect to find some real gems in there. I mean, there was a reason I bought these books to begin with, right? I began this week with "A Spell for Susannah" by Jody Wallace. It wasn't brilliant but it was a solid C. I'm glad I eliminated it from the pile and plan to pick up a second from the TBR pile this week, after I finish a library book.
I challenge you all to do the same. Let's get those piles down and discover the hidden treasures within.
Fantastic idea! I plan to do the same!